Great Britain does not have that Great in its name for nothing. There are many things about the country that make it truly one of the greatest ever. Now when it comes to technological advancements or promotions for any brand, the UK is presently ranked fourth worldwide which is no mere feat considering that a decade ago they were nowhere to be seen. But is the UK that far behind when it comes to technological inventions? I don’t think so because many of the technological boons we have received and are using to their full potential were invented in the UK. Their tech industry might just be blooming but when it comes to treating tech inventions the country is right up there at the top. Let us briefly visit a few of the amazing tech designs by the British that has made our lives easier.
The Telephone
We owe the British big time for introducing the Telegraph system which was the first step in long distance communication. Then Alexander Graham Bell, a Brit, came up with a gem of an invention known as the Harmonic Telegraph. He used his experience of working with mute children to originate this invention. Later Thomas A Watson, an engineer, assisted him and they came up with the most useful device for communication technology in the previous generation. This was the mother of the mobile phone which is the backbone of communication presently.
The Television
What would we ever do without the TV? The Idiot Box or Idiot’s Lantern, whatever we call it, is one of the finest inventions ever made regarding technological advancements. In 1928 John Baird materialised his dream of inventing a semi-mechanical television and further progress on the matter made the first broadcast possible in 1932 between London and Glasgow. Today the Television is a primary source of communicating with the outer world, entertainment purposes and a whole lot more. Oh, what would we ever do without the Idiot Box?
The Train
A huge milestone when it comes to inventions regarding transportation, the train was truly a British invention throughout. The age of the train truly began when in 1829 George Stephenson came up with his original design called Rocket. It was truly an evolutionary promotion in transportation where the Rocket got together many aspects of train tech and combined them under one hood. It holds a historic achievement of being the only steam train to complete an entire 50-mile trip.
The World Wide Web
An Oxford University Graduate named Tim burners-Lee came up with a revolutionary idea and concept of the World Wide Web, and the notions of the everyday world changed after that. Communications technology went for arid ever since and had not stopped. Information sharing took centre stage, and people all over the world got connected in this string or rather web of information. The actual Internet was modified later, but it was due to Tim that today we could browse through various links and obtain contents about the daily news to nearby offers, discounts, and deals.
The Stereo
Alan Blumenlein, a British engineering pioneer and scientist, thought that monophonic sound and music was not realistic enough and hence decided to invent the stereo and patented the concept in 1933. Although his employer didn’t pay heed to that, and it compelled him to work on other ideas but is due to him that our iPods have two particular earpieces and we can listen to music in a whole different than it used to be.
The Jet Engine
Of all the bad things a war results in, one of its better results is stoking the fires of invention. WWII did exactly that with ballistic missiles, bouncing bombs and most importantly the jet engine. It was an independent invention performed for both the British and the Germans. Both the countries succeeded in testing the jet engine during the WWII and in 1944 mass production began.
The Computer
Most of us accredit the mother of all inventions to the Americans, but we fail to comprehend the fact that the father of computers, Charles Babbage was a London-born. The idea of a computer first originated in his brain although he never could complete the Difference engine due to his financial crisis. But a lot of the credit has to be given to this Brit for germinating the concept of such a revolutionary device and fostering it throughout his lifetime. We might never have known a computer if it wasn’t for this man.