If an organisation hopes to meet goals and run efficiently, it’s crucial that it fosters a working environment that encourages co-workers to collaborate. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen naturally in most cases, making it necessary for the business owner to take steps to help nurture and sustain a work environment where everyone cooperates successfully.
There are quite a few activities the leaders of the business can take part in with their employees in order to help relationships improve and become better at collaborating and cooperating.
It Is Essential to Incorporate Teamwork Into Work Culture
If co-workers are to collaborate successfully, their leaders must be willing to put in the work to ensure that collaboration is noted as a key part of the business model. Employees should be able to see that members of the firm’s leadership also work together well in order to reach their goals. In addition, teams should be publicly acknowledged whenever they succeed at a project working together.
If collaboration is to really improve, the leaders in the company must organise events and activities where the employees are encouraged to work together outside of the formal office environment to build trust and amongst each other. Organise team sports such as football or hire an obstacle course and have them charging through in groups. This will enforce a sense of teamwork culture within the group which, in turn, will make the employees feel empowered to share any ideas they have when they are back in the office.
Leadership should foster a work culture where ideas are often exchanged and good ideas are rewarded. Collaboration and teamwork should remain a core theme in any mission statement the business establishes.
Train Employees and Foster an Environment Where Learning Is Rewarded
Not every person is a natural team player, however, this skill can be taught. This is why it is so important that a business invests in programmes that help develop employee teamwork. There are many courses available that can help with your team building efforts, so consider sending employees to them. In addition, employees will have to learn the skills involved with collaboration if they hope to succeed.
A key skill involved in this process is communication and how to interact with co-workers in a way that encourages an exchange of ideas. Employees can be sent to workshops designed to help people learn better communication skills using public speaking. Having the ability to speak publicly increases confidence and helps employees learn how to articulate what they are trying to say effectively. Sending several employees together will also help bring them together as a group.
Encourage Employees to Socialise During Their Free Time
When employees are on the job, they tend (and should) focus on their work, leaving few opportunities for co-workers to establish a personal bond. If you hope to have a team that collaborates successfully, it is important that employees get to know one another in a casual setting. You don’t have to have an expensive event, it could be as simple as a sponsored trip to the local movie theatre, a casual brunch or drinks after hours. Participation in social events helps employees to break down barriers and help foster a sense of familiarity and trust, which in turn, makes it easier for them to collaborate successfully.
Setting Reasonable Expectations and Clarifying Roles
If an organisation hopes to collaborate effectively, it is essential that all employees know their role and can work together seamlessly and naturally. Every employee should not only know their personal role but what roles their co-workers play as a part of the team, so they can see the bigger picture and where exactly their part fits in.
It is also crucial for team leaders to establish clear goals and expectations for each team, so that as work progresses, all employees understand the overall goal and what objectives you hope to achieve.
Conflicts Within the Team Should Be Resolved Quickly
It is rare for any team to work together perfectly all the time, so it is important for the business to recognise and acknowledge this fact and put into place a system to handle any potential conflicts as they come up. Every employee should feel comfortable sharing any concerns they have without fear of repercussion. In addition, employees should be able to put in their own ideas if they have an idea on how a conflict can be resolved. Employees who are aware of the system of conflict resolution and are comfortable understanding that any dispute they have will be taken care of in a fair and efficient manner will be a much healthier team member and much better at collaborating.