Bicycle riding can give so much fun to anyone, it’s a very good form of exercise and it can give your kid a feeling of independence. Be that as it may, a bicycle is a vehicle, not a toy. So you and your kid need to realize how to ride it safely and securely. 

There are several ways you can guide and protect your kids when riding their bikes. 

Helmet. That simple. A helmet should be worn at all times. It is the first and primary bicycle security rule for youngsters and grown-ups alike. 

It is basic for both you and your kid to wear one consistently when riding a bicycle. Search for an age-appropriate, lightweight protective cap in nearby stores. It’s not recommend that helmets be purchased online since to ensure the proper protection, the helmet needs to be fit snugly to the head. So get to the store with your little one, evaluate a couple of choices, select one that fits best. 

Ensure your kid can be seen without any problem. Bright-colored clothing is a must, if possible.  

Also, the bikes should have reflectors. In case they are not, get some stickers at a neighborhood home improvement shop. You can even adhere some extra to your child’s helmet and clothing. 

The more visible you are on the road, the more secure you are. Likewise, make an effort not to bicycle at sunset or around evening time. At the extremely least don’t allow your children to ride alone. The right fitting apparel is significant for both: solace and wellbeing, and as a way to prevent injury while biking. Baggy clothing especially pants ought to be kept away from as they can be caught in the wheels and cause a mishap. 

Ensure your kids never wear earphones while riding: they should have the option to hear approaching traffic, and your voice giving bearings. 

With regards to encouraging children to ride a bicycle, safety ought to be your first concern. Every one of the essential guidelines recorded above will assist you with forestalling bicycle wounds and will guarantee invigorating family quality time!